One of my favorite parts of being a TO is getting to add events that I want to see on the Grand Tournament scene. The first one I've been able to add has been individual painting contests. For the past three years at the Alamo, Mierce Miniatures has sent me prize support that we use to run a paint contest. We run three categories: Best Unit (5+ models, any size), Best Small Model (any model on a 50x50mm base or smaller), and Best Large Model (any model on larger than a 50x50mm base or with the Large Target rule). In addition, we award a Best in Show to the best entry among the three categories.
In addition, Alamo is restrictive about awards and tries to spread the love around; if a player submits a model from his army and that army wins a Best Painted award, his model is excluded from these awards. Judging this paint contest is one of the best parts of my job as TO.
All the entries, after the jump!